Monday, February 26, 2007

HR Problems for the military: Boots on the Ground, or Lawfully Sound?

Hey all-
I would like to thank Professor Dubnick for suggesting this thread some weeks ago. Other stories and a busy schedule interfered with my posting the story.
Professor Dubnick provided the link for an interesting article that was in the New York Times about two weeks ago through his own blog, Accountability Bloke. The article discussed the increasing number of waivers being given out by the U.S. military to new recruits. This means that more new recruits, who would normally have not been taken into the military because of a conviction in their past. The same article also points out that people who would not have ordinarily have met the physical requirements of joining the military are also being signed up. This seems to signify recruiting problems in today's military. These waivers, along with increased enlistment bonuses and loosened restrictions on weight, age, and education, paint a gloomy picture of troop availability in today's military. The military has also been stop-lossing their personnel, keeping them in the military longer than normal.
Such shortages have prompted worries of a draft on the horizon, bringing back bad memories of 1973 and the Vietnam War. Hopefully, it will not come to this.

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